He transcribes them on line and our clerk steve mr. Clerk any announcements. None. Please call roll. Supervisor breed supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent we have quorum. Thank you. Do we need to take a motion to excuse supervisor yee or is that not necessary for this committee that i. To the call of the chair. I move we excuse snooe e supervisor yee well take that without objection. Thank you call the next item. Item approval the minutes this is an action item. Are there any comments on this item . Seeing none, well opening it up for Public Comment on item 2 seeing none, Public Comment is closed do we have a motion on this item we we have a motion and a second and do we need to take call roll supervisor breed supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent this item passes thank you can we please call item 3. Item 3 vision zero Progress Report. We have the cochairs the task force here today both megan from the distributing aid tim
p the meeting will come to order and the secretary will call the roll. Commissioner pating commissioner president chow commissiioner sanchez item 2 the approval of two sets the minutes december 4th, 2014 which is the joint Commission Meeting and december 16, 2014 so commissioners lets take december 4th first a motion for the approval of the december 4th joint meeting minutes. Motion to approve. Second. Are there any correction or another items the only correction under page 2 Public Comment to clarify that it is not a clipper car but a clipper card that is. Oh, i apologize ill back and correct that. Just so its clear. Any other corrections if not all in favor, say i. I opposed those minutes are passed well go on to december 16th minutes of our commission a motion please is in order. So moved ii heard that a second. Second. All in favor, say i. Any other comments if not all in favor, say i. Of the minutes. I opposed the minutes are passes. Item 3 thank you, commissioners the directors r
Supervisor breed supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent we have quorum. Thank you. Do we need to take a motion to excuse supervisor yee or is that not necessary for this committee that i. To the call of the chair. I move we excuse snooe e supervisor yee well take that without objection. Thank you call the next item. Item approval the minutes this is an action item. Are there any comments on this item . Seeing none, well opening it up for Public Comment on item 2 seeing none, Public Comment is closed do we have a motion on this item we we have a motion and a second and do we need to take call roll supervisor breed supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent this item passes thank you can we please call item 3. Item 3 vision zero Progress Report. We have the cochairs the task force here today both megan from the distributing aid tim of the sfmta to provide an overall Progress Report on the vision zero initiatives and to highlight t
Specific Jennifer Lowe and Jessie Larson madam clerk, any announcements . Yes. Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Timid items acted on today may appear on the december agenda. M call item one. A resolution granting the revokable portion of the public rightofway along Market Street. And thank you. Im the harrow of item number one colleagues is a resolution authorizing the installation of the light rail art project along Market Street this item has been considered and endorsed by the arts and Historic Preservation commission i have Broad Community support by organizations including 70 Michelle Obama ma the buena vista arts and sf beautiful and the cb d from integral market and yerba buena this is an exciting project that is the first of its kind in the world visualize the light rail vehicles thin light strange longer than Market Street if the embarcadero to van ness sending delicately delicate lights matching the 200
Take a motion to excuse supervisor yee or is that not necessary for this committee that i. To the call of the chair. I move we excuse snooe e supervisor yee well take that without objection. Thank you call the next item. Item approval the minutes this is an action item. Are there any comments on this item . Seeing none, well opening it up for Public Comment on item 2 seeing none, Public Comment is closed do we have a motion on this item we we have a motion and a second and do we need to take call roll supervisor breed supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor wiener supervisor yee absent this item passes thank you can we please call item 3. Item 3 vision zero Progress Report. We have the cochairs the task force here today both megan from the distributing aid tim of the sfmta to provide an overall Progress Report on the vision zero initiatives and to highlight the work weve accomplished since the resolution passed northeasterly 2014 this is really Good Opportunity to look back at the yea