VIENNA, Nov. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) This year, 187 countries participated in the Energy Globe, the World Award for Sustainability, with nearly 3,000 environmental projects. All projects have already
Investegate announcements from Energy Globe Foundation, Energy Globe Presents the World s Best Environmental Projects at the Climate Summit COP26 in Glasgow
Energy Globe presents the world’s best environmental projects from 187 countries
ESPOO, 2 days ago Energy Globe presents on June 5 the world’s best environmental projects that show how one can preserve a livable future for the children. The selection of the nominees in the five categories has been conducted by the international Energy Globe Jury, consisting of one representative from each continent, chaired by Maneka Gandhi. The Energy Globe Award, a private Austrian initiative, has been held every year since the year 2000, and is today the world’s most renowned environmental prize with over 180 participating countries. Each year, between 2,000 and 3,000 projects are submitted.