Heard it and he presented a very articulate and brief presentation which we very much appreciate and we ask for a vote. You are correct, there is two ways to go. You could vote on the item that was called by the commission secretary, so she could call for a vote. On her. To make your initial motion to approve . What i would like to do, and tell me how to do this. Is i would like to make a motion to amend the nottoexceed rate from 11. 9 to 11. 5. The point is that you have to make first a motion nottoexceed rate. Correct. And then proceed to an amendment. I would like to make a motion to adopt the nottoexceed rate. To hear the resolution on the nottoexceed rate . Right. And then that matter is before the commission and then you can move to amend the matter which is before the commission. Is there a second to the first motion . She needs that to make the amendment. Yes. Second . Yes. All right, so it is moved and seconded to hear the item. So now we take the Public Comment or could i int
Starting today, its legal to sell pot for recreational use. Probably will run out the first day. Big section of the country is recovering from a wave of storms from nebraska to new england. Wild weather rode into the area last night. Evacuate their homes after one of the most powerful typhoons to hit japan arrived overnight. Six flags Amusement Park near los angeles, riders left suspended high in the air for hours. A car hit a fallen tree. Peace sign that they were okay and hopefully trying to get off of there. President obama set to formally ask congress for 2 billion to help the immigration crisis. Abandoned a baby on a subway platform. Thank god the child wasnt pushed into the tracks. Defense has rested in the pistorius trial in South African trial. Being called a hero after he put aside his own safety rescuing a florida teen trapped in intense waves. Minnesota twins now sells beer from a vending machine. Thats a first for Major League Baseball. And all that matters. Yankees fan has
This meeting will come to order. Call the roll. President torres . Here. Courtney . Here. Commissioner caen . Here. Commissioner vietor. Here. Commissioner moran . Here. We have a quorum. Any comments on the minutes . June 25th . I will look. By moran and second by courtney. All by aye. All of those opposed. The motion approves to carry the minutes. Public comment, item number four, any Public Comments . Communications . Item number four, Public Comment . What i want to say is that as we live in the sewer system Improvement Project and as we look at especially back on the inaudible we need to have a plan for the community and a good out reach for the community. Some of it have already started it on our own and we need to, the assistance, of the sfpuc, to really have the community, because, again, and again, as we notice with the water system, Improvement Projects, and everything was left for the 11th hour. And with the Community Benefits of the water system Improvement Project, if you
Saw in the last week is that because of some of the critiques of that model we have been working on for a couple of years the staff has proposed going to a completely different model that is building large solar farms at a distance in front of the meter so they have go through pg e transmission and distribution lines and these would be sold the more expensive way to do renewables and all of this is going to roughly double the cost of the rate on energy to the customer, so its vital that we get the lafco to send a strong message to the sfpuc hey thats not good enough. We need the local distribution and the local jobs. We need to get back to the other model and make it work. Thanks. Thank you. Any other member of the public would like to comment please come forward. David mc cord. I am the chair of the Energy Committee and San Francisco has a great opportunity here now to develop really first Class Community choice aggregation system and right now there are two models presented. One by p
Opted in and not opt out, and as mr. Brooks said lots of jobs for San Francisco residents, so i would like the commission to send a strong message that for puc staff to work with the local power to develop the best cca that is possible. Thank you. Thank you very much. And next speaker please. Good afternoon folks. Alwine from the Clean Energy Alliance and i have the great opportunity to be chairing those stakeholder meetings that take place, fairly contentious of recent time. I wanted to address two questions quickly. One is a question of the rates and the high rates that i think everybody concerned about it at roll out time which according to the proposals that have been put before the rate fairness board are roughly somewhere depending on your tier between 18 and 30 above current bills, and its really important that we feel, the advocates, and the commission itself feels to really lower those rates and i wanted to say we encourage every effort to do that. That the proposal youre putt