through the fog here, are we seeing the outlines of how this is going to resolve itself with the president go g ing on the national television to declare a national emergency, and gets the money from somewhere else without the approval of congress which is what the constitution says it should be done, but regard l regardless, you open up the government again. and how dare you talk about the constitution when you are talking about. this and there is a lot of confusion here for him to declare if he goes out to do this tonight, it is unprecedented step. it would result certainly in the legal challenges and then you bring in all of the three branches of government together fighting over whether the government should be be open or not open based upon the president s unwillingness quite frankly to negotiate on the money f. he has done this tonig tonight, we have ener tered into another chapter of really what has been a confusing and in a very chaotic administration. and aleck, for the fo