thank sit down. you girl scouts over. s sit out. all right. it s friday, so you know what that meanriday, ss. let s welcome tonight s guests. these favorite karaoke let song iste karaoke the pledge of allegiance. fox and friends , we had a house beat eggs in, took our drivers test on a tractor. co-host of the bottom line on fox business. and they made out t she s leand queen and could pass for a teen. new york times f selling authr a the statue of liberty looks the new york times ty looks best selling author, comedian and former nwa world champio n. all right, before we get to some new stories, let s do this greg s leftovers. but bup, bup, bup, bup.vers it s leftovers where i reade the jokes. we did news this week. and as always,this it s my first time reading them. so if they , we ll roll. joe mackie in a carpet and tossp them off a bridge. g yeah. all right, here we w harvard president. claudine resigned after accusations of plagiarisaudinem said she
attacking the military. yeah. because this the idehe mila of g men who usually come from fro lower socioeconomic places join the military to see the world of work together and, let s say, neeand workr and d pete, wa foxhole together. and he got hit right? e and did so he had a pintd of bloodoo and someone to carry him out. and it was jusd ant me black. and he blacked out and. i i said to be all right, man, sai i m going to have to do this. i ll wait till someoned, i l is. i wait for o reilly. wait for a while. seriously. .hile. carry you out. no, no, no, no, no, no, no.llll i ll wait. i ll wait. itll wait. this doesn t happen. h no one s eveapper with enemyn lk fire down. looking around, going. how long is the black guing arom in? the foxhole is made up,ad but it sit s by extremists. and to your point, greg, point you said they they never investigate because it s not about you. just this is how, this i they w they just say and they don tsa have because they military se ra