It has been almost a year since we last visited the WisdomTree Endowment Model Portfolios and we think it is high time to revisit and give them a closer look.
Is a Commodities Supercycle Coming? Make the Call with This Model Portfolio March 17, 2021
Owing to the weak dollar and rising inflation, among many other factors, commodities are growing more and more appealing. The trick is knowing how to right-size those allocations.
WisdomTree’s series of Endowment Model Portfolios can help with that objective.
“By thoughtfully integrating equities, bonds and alternative investments, WisdomTree has created variations of each model with differing risk profiles. WisdomTree’s bespoke approach seeks to ensure that there is a model portfolio for a range of investors, from the conservative to the aggressive,” according to the issuer.
By Kevin Flanagan, Head of Fixed Income Strategy; Scott Welch, CIMA, Chief Investment Officer – Model Portfolios
This article is relevant to financial professionals who are considering offering Model Portfolios to their clients. If you are an individual investor interested in WisdomTree ETF Model Portfolios, please inquire with your financial professional. Not all financial professionals have access to these Model Portfolios.
Conjunction Junction, what’s your function?
I got “and,” “but,” and “or,”
They’ll get you pretty far…
Conjunction Junction, how’s that function?
I like tying up words and phrases and clauses
(From “Conjunction Junction,” School House Rock, 1973)
Investment Themes for 2021