been fleeing in kharkiv. endless bombardment for the past two weeks. tannoy: we would like to inform you that a fire had started in the building and please go to the ground floor. this is what russia does to cities. it bombards them, it procedures them, it surrounds them. it terrorises entire populations. if these tactics are unfamiliar to you, then you haven t been paying attention because this is the russian attack playbook, perfected with over ten years of war in syria. we know that russia bombs hospitals, so here at the city s hospital number four, they keep the wounded in hallways, away from the windows. ms valentina has been hit by shrapnel. i have a poem for you, she says. translation: these stupid russian pieces i will carry all my life, but as long
defences. that might be where this battle, this war is won or lost. in a war with russia, the front line is everywhere. this is what people have been fleeing in kharkiv. endless bombardment for the past two weeks. tannoy: we would like to inform you that a fire had started in the building please go to the ground floor and leave the building. this is what russia does to cities. it bombards them, it beseiges them, it surrounds them. it terrorises entire populations. if these tactics are unfamiliar to you, then you haven t been paying attention because this is the russian attack playbook, perfected with over ten years of war in syria. we know that russia bombs hospitals,
whole area is littered with dead russian bodies. these men and facts, and there are two more over there, to more over there, or chechen. they have identification on them. their weapons had been removed. the ukrainians keep telling us that they are really comfortable with this kind of fight because this is their territory, their city, their families. the challenge for them at what comes from the sky. they want more aircraft and air defences. that might be where this battle, this war is won or lost. in a war with russia, the front line is everywhere. this is what people have been fleeing in kharkiv. endless bombardment for the two weeks.
it s a grenade launcher, british. but it s more than just a grenade launcher it s a guided missile. is it good against tanks? it s the best we have right now. how are the russians fighting? they re fighting like soldiers of 1941. they re attacking, just like in front, now they don t do any manoeuvres. so, yeah, they have a lot of people here, a lot of tanks, a lot of their vehicles and techniques. but we re fighting in our land and we protect our families. so it doesn t matter how they fight, we fight like lions and they won t win. this is what people have been fleeing in kharkiv. endless bombardment for the past two weeks. tannoy: we would like to inform
here. this whole area is littered with dead russian bodies. these men in fact, and there are two more over there, two more over there, are chechen. they have identification on them. their weapons had been removed. the ukrainians keep telling us that they are really comfortable with this kind of fight because this is their territory, their city, their families. the challenge for them is what comes from the sky. they want more aircraft and air defences. that might be where this battle, this war, is won or lost. in a war with russia, the front line is everywhere. this is what people have been fleeing in kharkiv. endless bombardment for the past two weeks.