doesn t it seem odd to you that this guy is down there giving an exposition on tax structure and who is paying and who is not and won t release his own returns? isn t that odd? i do think it s odd. i think it s even odder that he s somebody who won t release the details of his tax policy plan. it s almost one thing to say, i m not going to tell you what i paid in the past. it s a whole other thing to go to america and say make me president but i m not going to tell you what you re going to pay in the future. that to me is a great i think there s a theme to this campaign. it s a combination of what he says in back rooms for rich people to give him money, and what he puts in the air. let s look at this discredited romney welfare ad and how it fits into what he said at boca raton. it s evidence of romney s strategy described at the fund-raiser very much like only this is the way they put it on the tube. let s listen to the ad. in 1996 president clinton and a bipartisan congress he
to ask you a question. doesn t it seem odd to you that this guy is down there giving an exposition on tax structure and who is paying and who is not and won t release his own returns? isn t that odd? i do think it s odd. i think it s even odder that he s somebody who won t release the details of his tax policy plan 37 it s one thing to say i m not going to tell what you i have paid in the past. it s a whole other thing to go to america and say make me president but i m not going to tell you what you re going to pay in the future. that to me is a great i think there s a theme to this campaign. it s a combination what he says in back rooms for rich people to give him money and what he puts on the air. let s look at this discredited romney welfare ad and how it fits into what he said at boca rat tone. it s evidence of romney s strategy described at the fund-raiser very much like only this is the way they put it on the tube. in 1996 president clinton and a bipartisan congress helpe
this guy is down there giving an exposition on tax structure and who is paying and who is not and won t release his own returns? isn t that odd? i do think it s odd. i think it s even odder that he s somebody who won t release the details of his tax policy plan. it s almost one thing to say, i m not going to tell you what i paid in the past. it s a whole other thing to go to america and say make me president but i m not going to tell you what you re going to pay in the future. that to me is a great i think there s a theme to this campaign. it s a combination of what he says in back rooms for rich people to give him money, and what he puts in the air. let s look at this discredited romney welfare ad and how it fits into what he said at boca raton. it s evidence of romney s strategy described at the fund-raiser very much like only this is the way they put it on the tube. let s listen to the ad. in 1996 president clinton and a bipartisan congress helped end welfare as we know it,
is make sure people get educated and not get on welfare. we tested both sides. romney s attack for changing the welfare rules. out of all the welfare ads this one ran the best. let s take a look. in 1996, president clinton and a bipartisan congress helped end welfare as we know it, by requiring work for welfare. on july 12, president obama quietly announced a plan to gut welfare reform by gutting it. under you wouldn t have to work. welfare to work goes back to being welfare. mitt romney will restore the work requirement because it works. i m mitt romney and i approve this message. brian: it s a bipartisan plan that passed in 96. that s kind of the results you got just now. the showing of bill clinton signing the welfare legislation is really powerful because it says to obama people, even the democrats supported it and why
been basically been discredited. in 1996, with the clinton and a bipartisan congress help end welfare as we know it by requiring work for welfare. but on july 12th, president obama quietly announced a plan to gut welfare reform by dropping work requirements. under obama s plan, you wouldn t have to work and wouldn t have to train for a job. they just send you your welfare check. and welfare to work goes back to being plain old welfare. mitt romney will restore the work requirement. because it works. i m mitt romney and i approve this message. there s romney approving there s an old argument, sociological argument, about the middle class. that robert rice told me about. he said if you want to get to the middle class, the working class of this country, they fear two things. the mob at the gate. they could be illegal immigrants, poor people, crime, anything they fear from the bottom. the top says they being screwed by the people with power in this country. it seems to me the repub