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Rarely must patent infringers demand their right to pay
royalties. But several multinational manufacturers have gone to
court to insist that they – and not other participants in the
supply chain – make payment of any patent royalties. From a
contractual perspective, judicial analysis of such claims has
focused on the non-discrimination prong of the fair, reasonable,
and non-discriminatory ( FRAND ) patent licensing
commitment. In other words, some manufacturers have argued, and
some courts and administrative agencies have agreed, that a
patentee s refusal to provide FRAND licenses at all levels of
because otherwise anyone who finds it can pretend to be need. to complete the future is a multi factor authentication or at least 2 factor authentication of code and i think that ultimately the most user friendly systems will be the ones used the most been exchanged. so biometric identification is convenient but is our personal data safe companies using this tech have to ensure that biometric data is securely stored and encrypt it ideally on end user devices and not if some clout just makes it harder for hackers to get to unfortunately that s not always the team of israeli researchers managed to hack into a $23.00 gigabyte database with over $27000000.00 records containing fingerprints
is a multi factor authentication or at least 2 factor authentication of code and i think that ultimately the most user friendly systems will be the ones used the most been exchanged. so biometric identification is convenient but is our personal data safe companies using this tech have to ensure that biometric data is securely stored and encrypt it ideally on end user devices and not if some clout just makes it harder for hackers to get to unfortunately that s not always done team of israeli research has managed to hack into a 23 gigabyte database with over 27000000 records containing fingerprints facial profiles and much more but of course possible databases have also been compromised beyond large scale attacks there s also a risk of individual systems of devices being cracked and i m