It isn't 2024; Jesus wasn't born in 1 A.D.; and the world won't end in 2024.- or any time soon. A.D. comes from the Latin “Anno Domini” means “the year It isn't 2024, Jesus wasn’t born in the year 1 A.D., the end of the world won't happen in 2024 - or any time soon.
no-bid contract, the administration made some stark claims about the status of the healthcare law saying the program in total could be jeopardized if the become end isn t built soon enough. adopting the language of its critics. bill: the understand industry at risk and disrupting continued services and coverage to consumers. you say it s a big deal the administration is acknowledging this. did it have any other choice? it s been trying avoid acknowledging this for some months now. it s not a surprise to anybody in the administration that the back end hasn t been built. but the administration in public has been engaged in what i would call happy talk. whether it s kathleen sebelius saying everything is fine. whether it s testimony in front of congress pretending things are going swimmingly. all we have been hearing is
how big? four stories high, heavy concrete. you can see puncture holes in the roof and the roof collapsed down two, three stories like this. there is a lower level that doesn t have a lot of destruction. this end isn t heavily destroyed. there were so many people crowded around the front section i said, let s go inside the right hand end of the building. we did walk and talks there with the minimal destruction inside the building. as you re walking through people are looking at you, actually showing you some of the equipment they believe that s right. on the left-hand side of the building i called over the wall and people were passing out pieces of still-hot what seemed to be missile fragments. we could look at the serial numbers and examine them in daylight. it was clear they were parts of what seemed to be a cruise missile.