It was during the latter part of 1888 when a dangerous and deadly figure roamed around the shadowy and foggy back-streets of Whitechapel, London, England by night. Never by day. And often when the city was shrouded by a dense fog. The deranged man violently slaughtered prostitutes, and provoked absolute terror throughout the entire capital. He quickly became – and still remains to this very day – the world’s most notorious serial-killer. He was, in case you haven’t by now guessed, Jack the Ripper. He quickly became the talk of not just London, but all of the U.K. There is no doubt that his “name” has all but ensured that his terrible attacks are still spoken of today. Hence the reason why I’m writing about Jack the Ripper right now. But, what makes the Ripper so infamous – way more than a century after his terrible crimes were committed – is the fact that his identity still remains a mystery. And, admittedly, just about everyone loves a mystery; even if it’s a gri