you were sleeping or worrying about health care or talking about mooch, a bill actually passed thatncludes $1.57 billion that donald trump requested to build a wall. the new york times does say however this bill is almost certain to fail in the senate but i m not putting a line through it yet. end american carnage, donald trump s language for the fact that somehow under obama there was gun violence everywhere. guess what, gun deaths are up 12% and firearm injuries up 8% and number of children under 12 shot by a gun is up 16%. we re going to put a line through ending american carnage. jobs, stephanie, this one i ll ask you about, unemployment 4.8% when president trump came in basically full employment jobs are being created, wages are going up. that as you and i know is a trend going on for some time because only in 2015 and 2016 did we use up some of that extra capacity, endless numbers of
loves this, even some inside the white house while they hate the language, he is doing their dirty work. they wanted reince and steve bannon out for ages saying these two are the chief leakers. is this going to be the thing that puts it over the edge? you know, this is a really crazy situation. the audience of one stuff, which we hear all the time, sara sanders is talking to an audience of one, kellyanne conway is talking to an audience of once. everyone is catering to the whims of the prds rather than advancing his agenda. that is not the way to get anything done. the failure of health care is a bill setback for president trump and yes, that could be the trigger that causes him to get rid of reince priebus connected to paul ryan and connected to sean spicer as you said. there s still the opportunity for donald trump. ali, you had your white board and scratched out repeal
az top priority. as long as we re talking about a house on fire, is one of those houses the white house, when you look at the showdown happening, people inside the white house say president trump himself is cheering on his new communications director who does not yet have clearance to serve as the official communications director because he still owns a hedge fund. this guy is speaking out on the record to a reporter using language that certainly your late father and my mother and father would be disgraced if they heard our nation s leaders were running the white house that way. what is your take as a republican? here s my take. we ve got to let the operation of the white house be left to the people in the white house. all we can kroel and all i have a say in is what happens in the house of representatives. but you can have an opinion. i tell you, that s not the language that most of people back in my district back home use, but what it says to me, there s a lot of passion in t
i word i didn t know. me either. and went after the chief strategist, the guy who created the trump platform, what he ran on, steve bannon. may i pair phrase brian williams while describing what scaramucci said to list za about he said something we definitely can t say on tv, right? correct. if it were true it would make steve bannon a gymnt. r in mords at least a yogi. then of course, anthony scaramucci threatened t fire the entire white house communications staff when lizza would not reveal who told him about his dinner with the president, warning, quote, i m going to fire everyone of them and then you haven t protected anybody. so the entire place will be fired over the next two weeks. scaramucci then acknowledged the rant tweeting, i sometimes use colorful language. which is fair for people at home. for a lot of us but i ll refrain in the area but not give
going to say to us, talk about your late father as something that you would obviously respect him as would we. sure. are you going to look us in the eye and say speaking about steve bannon performing a sex act on himself using the foulest language there is, that would get your children and mine expelled from school are words of passion? i think not, sir. that s not what i said. i don t like those words at all and it s not the language we use back home but i ll tell you this there s a lot of energy in the white house. what we re hope sg that energy and passion is channelled in a way that s productive to move the agenda forward. i agree with attorney general sessions said yesterday, we believe in the president s mission and his goals and it has to be achieved for the american people. we ll do everything we can in this chamber to make sure that happens. i m glad you brought that up, that was the weirdest thing i ve seen, jeff sessions after being smeared by the president consisten