Zen Technologies’ saw its June quarter profit surging to Rs 47.13 crore from Rs 8.21 crore in the same quarter last year. Sales also jumped four times to Rs 132.45 crore from Rs 33.23 crore.
Zen Technologies said the contract comes under the government's Indigenous Design and Development (IDDM) initiative, which requires Indian IP and over 60 per cent indigenous content
Zen Technologies said it is looking forward to securing additional sizeable contracts within the next quarter. This order win underscores Zen Technologies' steadfast commitment to delivering innovative solutions.
Zen Technologies offers defence training Solutions, Drones and Anti- Drones solutions. It builds training systems for imparting defence training and measuring combat readiness of security forces.
Zen Technologies said secured multiple new orders worth Rs 141.67 crore, increasing our orders in hand to Rs 473 crore as of March 31. It placed bids for substantial orders and expects the results to be out by H1FY24.