I am constantly struck by the economic ignorance dressed up as expertise. It pours forth from Treasury, from the Reserve Bank and, of course, from the economics commentariat. What all that suggests is that the ghost of John Maynard Keynes remains hard at work turning logic on its head
A spectre is haunting Europe and the US, the spectre of. productivist national protectionism from the Left. QQ and Mike Harman respond to Novara Media and Jacobin Magazine.
It Took the Democrats Half a Century to Rediscover Trickle-Up Economics
While Republicans cling to trickle-down delusions, Biden is reviving a philosophy of growth that the party hasn’t embraced since LBJ.
Alex Wong/Getty Images
When Republicans began reformulating their tax philosophy in the late 1970s, they looked to their party’s policies in the 1920s for inspiration. I remember Jude Wanniski, the late conservative journalist, telling me that he knew nothing about Republican tax cuts in the 1920s until he read about them in Herb Stein’s 1969 book,
The Fiscal Revolution in America
. Today, Democrats may also find inspiration in economic debates of the 1920s this one about whether underconsumption has slowed the rate of economic growth.