“Having a solid funding position is important to ensure continued benefits and programs to help workers who are injured at work,” said WCB chairperson Gord Dobrowolsky. “As well, employers can be sure they are protected from lawsuits and that they will continue to have an effective, efficient compensation system.” The WCB’s 2020 results include: The workplace total injury rate (total number of new workplace injury claims reported to, and accepted by, the WCB in the year) in 2020 decreased to 4.46 injuries per 100 workers. This is a 10 per cent decrease from the 2019 total injury rate of 4.95 per 100 workers. The 2020 time loss injury rate (total number of new workplace injury claims reported to, and accepted by, the WCB in the year that resulted in time lost from work) decreased to 1.78 injuries per 100 workers, down from the 2019 rate of 1.86 injuries per 100 workers. This represents a decrease of 0.08 per 100 workers, or of 4.3 per cent, from the 2019 rate. The 202