Mr. Reid mr. President . The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Reid ask con scene the call of the quorum be terminated. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Reid i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed for a period of morning business and senators allowed to speak up to 10 minutes each. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Reid i now ask unanimous consent that at 5 00 p. M. Tomorrow friday, april 11, all postcloture time be yielded back and the senate proceed to vote with no intervening action or debate on calendar number 574. Further, that following disposition of that nomination, the senate proceed to vote on cloture on executive calendar number 613. If cloture is invoked all postcloture time be yielded and the senate proceed to vote on confirmation of the nomination, that if confirmed, the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid on the table with no intervening action or debate. No further motions be in order to the nominations that any statement
Senator grassley was a no. [roll call] [roll call] [roll call] the clerk will report is the results of the vote. Mr. Chairman the final tally is six ayes eight nose. Mrs. Amendment number two and would simply do its a minor amendment would add my chair membership to transportation benefits. As you know the code allows employers to provide compensation for transportation costs for their employees on a taxfree basis. They include taxes who see it with parking en masse transit and since 2008 associated with storage at the employee regularly bikes to work however last summer at the irs move to costs associated with memberships were not eligible as part of the draft and indicated legislative action is necessary to broaden the definition even though they had accepted that definition for previous years. All the men would do is just that. It would send the 20 dollar amendment available to bike owners for those participating in a bike share program. Many employers across the country could offer
Said lets try to get to a level Playing Field and that is what u. N. Senator hatch have talked about and then to have comparable measures. Im going to work closely with you and i appreciate youre not offering it today. Senator nelson is back. I applaud the excellent work in the leadership of hatch and wyden and if you are from pennsylvania, utah, to West Virginia, you are underrepresented as we are in florida on the new markets tax credit. For example it serves the poor population encouraging investment in low income areas. An example in my state we have 6. 3 of the poverty resides in florida in the country and yet our new markets tax credit share is only 2 . Those other states are similar that i mentioned. And so what it does this tax credit is incentivize investment of commercial projects to create jobs in low income areas. And since the program was established back in 2000, 36 billion has been invested in eligible communities and it needs that little tweak to get to the poverty so i
Congress. We start this morning with president obama yesterday at fort hood at the Memorial Service there following the mass shooting last week. We want to hear from veterans role is the what government playing in your postwar transition . Ears is how we will divide the lines. Iraqi and afghanistan vets, call us at 20258538 80. Veterans of other wars, 2025853881. Conversationthis at facebook. Com cspan. Heres what president obama had to say yesterday in fort hood, talking about the countrys returning veterans. [video clip] we must honor the men by keeping our troops safe, not an open battle but here as well. We can never eliminate every risk, but as a nation, we can do more. To help counsel those with , to keepalth issues firearms out of the hands of those who are having such deep difficulties. Muste military, we do everything we can to spare others this pain. By doingonor these men more to care for our fellow americans living with until illness, civilian and military. Today four ameri
Shoulders working well again. So i can tell you, that in of itself qualifies me as a Health Care Consumer. And i learned many things during my experience. One was despite having the best hospitals and physicians in the world, the most advanced medical technology, the best medicines to treat most of the Health Issues we all face, the consumer must play an increased role in his or her own health care. As individual consumers of health care, we must engage in Healthy Behaviors across the course of our lives. We must engage in preventative practices, and we must be fully compliant with the care directives that come from our Physician Partners when we asked them for help and access care. So i would submit to you that transformation begins with our own behaviors. By the way tom a the word choice by the way, the word choice, consumer not patient is very deliberate. We must think age consumers in their own health all of the time, not just when they have a medical emergency or a Health Circumst