FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, D.C. – November 28, 2022 – In celebration of National Scholarship Month/National Education Month, which takes place in November each year, America’s Charities is excited to unveil its new Scholarship Program, designed to help organizations provide educational opportunities for students, support professional advancement for employees, and build a better-educated workforce for the community.
Socially minded employers have offered a range of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs to engage their employees in workplace giving and volunteering for decades, traditionally focusing their corporate purpose programs outward to help the communities in which they live and work.
Many were caught off guard in the wake of COVID-19 though. In an instant, the workplace changed and businesses faced unprecedented challenges, not the least of which was the plight of their own workforce. It quickly became apparent that employees needed help.
The solution employers across the U.S. and abroad turned to: Employee Assistance Funds (EAFs), also known as an Employee Relief Fund, Employee Crisis Fund, and a host of other names.