The mother of the four brothers who were kidnapped on their way to a Limpopo school on Wednesday, allegedly by seven armed men, has requested spiritual support from other parents.
The family of the kidnapped four young Limpopo brothers has opted to hold off on sharing information through media interviews and has requested that the children's photos not be published, due to the "sensitivity of the matter".
to take leave of them again. soldiers who are not religious went directly to the western wall to pray, it was a lot of feeling and es and emoti. we grew up of the temple and berlin wall. these were the only stories and suddenly you are there. it was like an electrical shot. the the wailing wall is ours again after one thousand-eight hundred years. they consolidate their whole in the west bank. finally on the northern front, israel battles syria for control
Dy javë pas shpërthimit të zjarreve, pothuajse në të gjithë territorin e Shqipërisë, ende ka vatra aktive që po vazhdojnë të shkrumbosin pyje dhe të venë në rrezik zonat e banuara.