spray key chain and other personal items in their swag bags. giving away the bags hope others-to-help others inspiring self-empowerment. the 3-d computer animated just named the worst movie 2017 by the razzies. [laughter] son, please tell me you weren t laughing just now. what if you sent out on the phone making the wrong face. ainsley: emogi moving taking home four of the 10 dregged razzie awards. griff down to you. griff: thanks, ainsley. president trump received 28% of the hispanic vote nationally and 45% in florida. now the rnc hopes to bring that number even higher come 2018. griff: that is why rnc chair ronna mcdaniel is in florida meeting with members of the latino community to discuss how g.o.p. values match their own. ronna mcdaniels joins us with more.