Rita Datta | | Published 13.03.21, 12:14 AM
Between the Harlem Renaissance (1918-1930s) and Rosa Parks’s historic defiance in a Montgomery bus in 1955, there rose the voice of colonized Africans in Paris Aimé Césaire, Léopold Senghor, (the first president of Senegal) and Léon-Gontran Damas who invented a term for a new Black consciousness: Negritude. Its unapologetic affirmation of identity shakes off white people and white-centrism from Black reckoning to assert a politico-cultural paradigm as relevant now as in the days of European colonialism.
That’s why a travelling exhibition of African-American artists from Historical Black Colleges and Universities, curated by the artist and educator, Peggy Blood, was titled
before dawn this morning, violence broke out in the island kingdom of bahrain. thousands of protesters had camped out overnight in pearl square in central manama. but if they had hoped bahrainian security forces would leave them alone they were disappointed. 2:45 in the morning, local time, riot police approached the square from several directions. they began firing tear gas and buckshot and rubber bullets. witnesses said the tear gas was so thick, that many people were vomiting from its affects. abc reporting miguel marques in the crowd. he and his crew were attacked and had their familiar rattan away. journalists! journalists! he said no! he said no! he said no! ah! reporter: marquez managed to escape and refleked on what happened later. ahead of protests on friday. reporter: first light the square had been cleared and security forces unrolled razor wire to prevent the protesters from returning. some of the regimes are now facing opposition are likely to use extre
coloring could cause cancer. we ll tell you just how safe your soda really is early this thursday morning, february 17th, your soda really is early this thursday morning, february 17th, 2011. captioning funded by cbs welcome to the early show here on a thursday morning, i m chris wragge. and i m erica hill. good to have you with us this morning. we re going to begin this morning in the northeast, with exclusive photos and video obtained by cbs news. the pictures that you re seeing them here right now, they re believed to show hosni mubarak s departure from cairo last friday. that is, of course, the day he stepped down as president, finally conceding to the thousands of pro-democracy protesters. the images appear to show mubarak waving good-bye. before leaving by helicopter with his family for the resort city of sharm el sheikh in egypt. now that, of course, was just six days ago. the shockwaves, however, from that uprising continue to be felt and felt strongly across