The French President who aims to use China s relationship with Russia to encourage negotiations is at odds with Ursula von der Leyen who has told EU leaders to show unity in the face of China.
'Those who remain silent today – despite themselves or secretly with a certain complicity – are serving the cause of a new imperialism,' the French president said.
Emmanuel Macron profile (Image: Express)
Even a top ally to Mr Macron admitted Ms Le Pen could win the French Presidency next year.
Earlier this month, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told BFM TV: The election of Marine Le Pen, as we all know, is a political possibility. It must be fought. Fought with ideas, convictions, results, with men and women who are committed. I hope that in this fight against Marine Le Pen, our ideas will prevail. It is in the field of ideas that we must go, in the field of what we want for France, of the European construction.