this is cnn breaking news. hello, everyone. i m christina live in paris, where for the first time, in 20 years, a french president has won reelection. emmanuel macro pulled in 59% of the vote. compared to his altar right candidate. the closest in far right candidate has ever come to winning the french presidency. he is facing his loyal challenges. in his victory speech, he acknowledged the discontent that drove voters to the far right, and about to make changes in his second term.
France is facing its toughest challenge in Africa in years: What to do about thousands of French troops stationed in junta-led Mali, the core of a major international anti-terrorism operation in the increasingly restive Sahel region
PARIS: Despite the forthcoming challenging weeks caused by the recurrence of Covid-19 cases, French President Emmanuel Macron has stated tha. | News Track
France recorded more than 100,000 virus infections in a single day for the first time since the pandemic struck and COVID-19 hospitalizations have doubled over the past month