Four unexpectedly cash-rich women swap the fish industry of Hull for the golden sunshine and wide open spaces of Australia in a comedy of ordinary people who be
Three student teams from the Dept. of Community Development and Applied Economics (CDAE) recently participated in the 2021 annual UVM Business Pitch Competition, presenting their business ideas to a panel of entrepreneurs for a chance at winning over $3,000 in prizes. While only one team was awarded prize money, all three proposed innovative and impactful businesses seeking to better the lives of others.
The pitch competition, organized by the Grossman School of Business and open to students across UVM, marked the culmination of a semester-long project in Assistant Professor Trisha Shrum’s course, CDAE 267: Strategic Planning for Community Entrepreneurship. Students spent the semester developing real world business plans and gaining the skills to be ready to pitch their enterprises to potential investors.
From left to right, Connor Fegley and Alister King
Eleven teams of University of Vermont students recently participated in the 2021 Annual UVM Business Pitch Competition and put their business ideas on display. The competition moved to a virtual format this year allowing students from near and far to compete for over $3,000 in prizes.
Teams from four schools across campus were represented including Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences / Community Development & Applied Economics Department, Grossman School of Business (GSB), and the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences / Mechanical Engineering Department. The business ideas ranged from an innovative rooftop multiple purpose co-working space, to a sustainable consignment clothing shop, a repurposed music venture, and an equal opportunity online employment platform for people with disabilities, to name a few.