Vodafone Group Plc is exploring options for its African business as investors ramp up pressure on the UK telecom company to boost performance, people familiar with the matter said. The London-listed firm is working with advisers to study ways to extract more value from its 65% holding in Vodacom Group…
Early-stage considerations reportedly range from merging the business with other operators or divesting some assets in certain markets, to selling a stake in the company.
The early-stage considerations range from merging the business with other operators or divesting some assets in certain markets, to selling a stake in the company, sources say.
Vodafone Group Plc is exploring options for its African business as investors ramp up pressure on the UK telecom company to boost performance, people familiar with the matter said.
LONDON (dpa-AFX) - Emirates Telecommunications Group Co. PJSC, formerly known as Etisalat Group, announced Wednesday that it has increased its stake in Vodafone Group plc (VOD, VOD.L) to 11 percent.Emirates