They should have access to t public carres also an raement that choice is part of what a lot of auans seem to value. Woodruff all that and more on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newsho has been provided by when the world gets complicated, a lot goes through your mind. With fidelity wealth management, dicated advisor can tail advice and recommendations to your life. Ats fidelity wealth management. Consumer cellular. The kendeda fund. Committed to advancing e andrative just meaningful work through investments in transformative leaders and ideas. More at kendedafund. Org. Carnegie corporation of new york. Supporting innovations in education, demntratic engageand the advancement of International Peace and security. Or at carnegi on and with the ongoing support of these institu this program was made ssib by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station fromiewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff President Trump hae his Reelection Campaign t