With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, TV’s dating shows have provided plenty of creative ideas (including axe throwing) for that special romantic encounter.
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, TV’s dating shows have provided plenty of creative ideas (including axe throwing) for that special romantic encounter.
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, TV’s dating shows have provided plenty of creative ideas (including axe throwing) for that special romantic encounter.
Romy, 32, told Stellar on Friday she hadn t expected to find love on The Bachelor but had hoped it would be a bit of a fun experience .
Unfortunately, she ended up being portrayed as the ringleader of a group of bullying girls - including jewellery designer Cat Henesey and Labor Party staffer Alisha Aitken-Radburn - but insists the reality was very different to what was shown on TV.
Remember her? Actress Romy Poulier was accused of leading a trio of mean girls and bullying the other contestants on Nick The Honey Badger Cummins season in 2018
New look: She has almost completely changed her identity since then, keeping her name but changing her looks significantly and taking a step back from her acting career. Pictured left on The Bachelor, and right in a recent Instagram photo