song or say a prayer or whatever your little routine is with your kids, you re welcome to do that. this is your personal message to them. sweet. all right? just whenever you re ready. pretty nervous. what do i say? i don t want to mess up. like i want her to like what i say. i don t want to say anything stupid. i want to try. emilee, daddy loves you, baby. i can t wait to see you again. hope you re doing good for mommy and i m going to read you a story. it s called hansel and gretel. i love you. gretel and her brother, hansel, lived near a great forest. one night gretel awoke to voices.
a place with the irish mob, he hopes it won t cost him another relationship that is considerably closer to his heart. i miss my daughters. i got four little girls. i should be a father to them, but when i m in here, i can t. with his frequent prison stays stokes rarely sees his girls. the one he spent the most time with is 7-year-old emilee. you should check this out. my daughter drew that for me on the envelopes. i love her little voice, she s awesome. she s definitely the only person that s going to love me no matter what. irish mob, anybody, they ll turn on me. i know that. little girl won t. she ll be there till i die. she drew that for me. stokes fondest memories are of watching emilee when her mother was at work. all evening i would sit there and play princess, little tea cup parties, watch dora.
i don t want her to think that i just disappeared and i m not there and just come back after all these years and try to be a part of her life. i d like to actually try to be a part of it even though i m gone. i wrote, this book belongs to, then i wrote emilee, from daddy. i love you with all my heart, baby. i miss you and i m thinking of you every single day. you re my angel. muah. and i spelled it m-u-a-h. that s how you spell muah. i m going to read you a story, it s called hansel and gretel. i love you. pretty sweet, huh? gretel and her brother so, how does that make you feel? i just feel very happy. sounds good. i think she s going to like that. she ll get this big package in the mail and she ll probably be excited about that, too. i know her mom told me she likes it when she gets letters from
and, you know, there s a bunch of books you can choose from over there. so just go and look around and see what you can find. when you get a book, let me know and i ll tell you what to do next. okay. all right? i ll get you some coffee, cream and sugar. we have quite a waiting list on the male population to get in here to read to their children. they re very eager. they re always asking when is story time next? am i on the list for story time? how do i go to story time? where do i get an application? how do you think emilee will feel about that book? that s a good book. i liked the story when i was a kid. you haven t done this before. no. okay. whenever you re ready, just push the red button and there s about an eight to ten-second delay so wait a few seconds before you start speaking. there s the mike. you re welcome to send your kids a personal message. if you want to say, hey, hope things are good, be good for your mom. or if you want to sing them a
proving irish heritage, however, is not a requirement for membership. my mom has red hair and i figured people with red hair usually are from ireland, right? irish people. i don t know where my family is from. i ve never tracked my family tree. what is this? mayonnaise. what the we never get mayonnaise. [ bleep ]. i don t trust it. i know. i don t trust it. but stokes knows for long-term happiness he will need more than his gang. my daughter will only be 11 or 12 years old when i get out. the oldest one. i might still be able to be a dad. but i d have to stop all this stuff. i can t be a gang member and a dad at the same time. stokes eldest daughter is 7-year-old emilee. thanks to a program called story time, stokes and several other inmates can take a break from jail in order to be parents. you guys need to get a book