In lieu of “Happy Birthday,” U.S. Marine Corps veteran Andy Burch suggested a more specific celebratory tune: “You all brought your singing pipes with you today, right? We’ve got to sing ‘The Marines’ Hymn.’” With that, the Tarentum resident launched into the familiar “From the Halls of Montezuma to the
Frank M. Bavetz said being left-handed saved his life.
“When I was in boot camp, I told them I was a southpaw (left-handed) and they said I had to learn to shoot right-handed,” the Harrison resident said Thursday as he sat in David’s Diner, commonly known as Dave’s, in Springdale Township. “Because I couldn’t shoot well, I wasn’t put on the front line. They wanted sharpshooters. That’s why I am here today.”
Bavetz, who turns 95 on Tuesday, recalled his days in the service, where he earned the rank of sergeant with the 2nd Marine Air Wing. His World War II service included involvement in the invasion of Okinawa in Japan. The last major battle of the war, it took place 76 years ago, on April 1, 1945.