Conor Pope: Ticketmaster rarely goes into detail about the business of ticket sales, but the man who brought that business to Ireland almost 30 years ago is more forthcoming
17th Jan 2021
Remind yourself that happiness isn’t something that happens to you, it’s something you initiate, writes Emer O’Reilly-Hyland
I was reading an article about Oprah’s latest book,
The Path Made Clear, in which she argues that having purpose is the key to happiness. Nothing to argue with there, I thought, from the Queen of Self-Help. My eye moved to the sidebar – Oprah’s celebrity pals were giving their purpose in life with a lot of wordy self-help speak: “honouring your own life” (Elizabeth Gilbert), and a particularly rambling, “if you’re full of love, if you come from being and then feeling and then self-reflection…” (Deepak Chopra). Now, I’m all for whatever gets you through, but, well, too Deep.