inflation down. i don t know how she comes up with that, but that s what she claims. the president talked about multi-trillion dollars plans costing zero and the treasury secretary is saying it won t add inflation to the economy. this is math for dummies. they are gas lighting us with pure nonsense. we have pumped in 6 trillion dollars into this economy since the pandemic hit.o we had to do a lot of it last year because we were in the middle of an emergency related to the pandemic. the government shutdown the economy across the country. the government had to step in in an emergency way. the problem is now that the democrats are keeping up emergency level spending absence of an emergency.
the treasury secretary is saying excessive spending by the federal government will push inflation down. i don t know how she comes up with that but that s when she claims. the president talked about multi-trillion dollars plans costing zero and the treasury secretary is saying it won t add inflation to the economy. this is math for dummies. they are gas lighting us with pure nonsense. we have pumped in 6 trillion dollars into this economy since the pandemic hit. we have to do a lot of it last year because we were in the middle of an emergency related to the pandemic. the government shutdown the economy across the country. the government had to step in, in an emergency way. the problem is now that the democrats arep emergency level spending absence
particularly some republican governors have been so cavalier with the help of these kids, so cavalier with the health of their communities. this is, we re playing for real here. this isn t a game. and i don t want of any scientist in the field that knows it makes considerable sense to do the things i ve suggested. but you know, let me conclude with this, i one of the lessons i hope our students can unlearn is that politics doesn t have to be this way. politics doesn t have to be this way. they re going up in an environment where they see its like a war, like a bitter feud.
history with michael beschloss. it premiered tonight, you can see it on msnbc, on peacock. congratulations on thisser is richlts what a provocative way to start? thank you, rachel. i love seeing you and thank you so much for the kind words. i m trying to learn the way a little bit how you do it on this program. can i never measure up, all i can do is try. you are very kind. don t do anything that seems like what i do because you do it better, don t scooch over to my side. well, let me ask you about the core question that you are getting at here. what do you think we should understand? what does a close inspection of that narrow window of time between september 11th, 2001 and october 7th 2001 when we invaded afghanistan? what do you feel like we should remember and know and learn as a country from looking at that short window of time?
explaining the volatile compounds and how they train the dogs, do you see what i see here? can we spend a little quality time staring at his tie? look at his tie. yes, thank you, thank you, universe, that is what i needed today. so there. happy friday. we may have an apocalyptic mess on our hands in every other possible way, but as a civil vacation, we have now successfully retrained the avocado tree laurel wilt agricultural pets detectives into dogs that can tell you whether you need a rapid covid test. when those testers get it right, what they do is they sit down and they get rewarded by getting to play with their rubber cong toys, the professor wears their picture of their big 99%