they are not particularly well trained. and often, for example, new york, if you take them to an emergency room, the average new york policeman bringing a mentally ill person it an emergency room has to wait four hour before the emergency room psychiatrist will see them because they have it be medically cleared. so law enforcement and the legal system is how we handle the mentally ill in this country, is that fair to say? oh, absolutely. you know, the whole model has changed. if you go back to prior, say, to 1965, people who are mentally ill were many times confined against their will in these huge state mental institutions, dark, dreary, horrible places. and i think people felt and civil libertarians felt that the civil rights of the mentally ill were being violated, and they also felt that p would save a lot of money if these people were released. so all of these mental patients in the 60s, 70s were released, sent out on their own into