County must renovate KidsPeace space by the end of 2022 to get bonding funds. 9:30 am, Apr. 3, 2021 ×
WORTHINGTON When Nobles County was awarded nearly $847,000 in 2018 to renovate the former KidsPeace Prairie Academy at the Prairie Justice Center into an eight-bed short-term crisis residential facility, it had hoped the work could be done immediately to serve an area very much in need of mental health crisis services.
More than two years later and after two requests for proposals that saw no response from potential facility operators there has yet to be progress.
During a Thursday morning Nobles County Board of Commissioners work session, Community Services Administrator Stacie Golombiecki said her department is interested in contracting with a consultant or project manager to advance the effort. The idea came from discussions her office has had recently with representatives from the state’s Department of Human Services behavioral health division, as well as