Governor Gavin Newsom confirms that cases are falling across California. He points to a month ago when there were 20,000 new COVID cases reported. On Sunday, there were 6,760.
COVID-19 cases down across California because of several factors
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) Governor Gavin Newsom confirmed Sunday that COVID-19 cases are going down statewide. Newsom pointed to a month ago when there were 20,000 new coronavirus cases being reported. On Sunday, there were 6,760.
California s 7-day positivity rate, or the percentage of performed coronavirus tests that are positive, was at 9.3% one month ago. Sunday, the number was at 3.1%.
Hospitalizations are also down 41% across the state, and down 38% in California ICU wings.
Doctor Christopher Colwell, chief of the emergency department at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, feels hopeful as he notices a decline in COVID-19 cases.