it can make you blind, damage your kidneys, and you might not even realize it at first and then you can die. yeah, it might take hours or days, the death but it depends when your liver starts processing it because it turns it into something much more dangerous. in the meantime, the dominican republic it is announcing new safety measures to lower the fear level a little bit. the measures include inspecting hotels, more often requiring hotels to post emergency contact information in every room and boosting the medical facilities inside of these various resorts. the dr maintains the american tourists died of all natural causes but one case, a healthy couple died of the same thing at the same time. an expert say that is highly unlikely that the fbi, of course, is also investigating three of the toxicology reports of americans. but the results apparently are taking much longer than we anticipated. tucker. tucker: trace gallagher,
unconscious during the procedure? and does the person administering the anesthesia have up to date training in emergency resuscitation? and david, the ada says to ask for instructions or emergency contact information in the event there are concerns or comely cases after surgery. david? adrienne, thank you. when we come back here tonight, the new headline in the death of that missing toddler. the suspect, the mother s boyfriend, charged and in court today. there s also news tonight about the american tourist killed in a deadly shark attack. where this played out, right after the break. david. what s going on? oh hey! that s it? yeah. everybody two seconds! dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald s helps more people go to college. it s part of our commitment to being america s best first job.
consolates all of which unfortunately are closed on a saturday to get their emergency contact information. i m going to try to contact with the a lot of people in limbo and a lot of people still with, you know, residual questions as a result of what happened yesterday. of course that toll free number when we get it we ll be able to share that with our viewers. thank you so much for your time. all the best. straight ahead, more about the victims. stay with us. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me,
please right clearly and legibly. and then it goes on to ask for your emergency contact information, just in case of martyrdom martyrdom. that job application to join al qaeda is one of the hundreds of just-released documents recovered when navy s.e.a.l.s took out osama bin laden s compound in abbottabad, pakistan. much of it previously classified all released this morning by the director of national intelligence. i gather that up until the end, bin laden was pushing for another major attack in the united states. yeah. and we kept thinking how involved was he? we still don t know how much real power he had. but he was trying to exercise what he did if you read these papers revealed. it shows it hatred of the united states and the real steps he took to try to make an attack happen.
you can put in your emergency contact information, passport information and state department is encouraging travelers to go to their website. they have updates there. they ll be putting alerts on the state department website as well, so those are convenient ways for travelers who are anticipating travel abroad to stay in touch with this latest travel warning. thanks so much. keep us posted. great traveling tips. let s talk sports, tiger woods, he played one of the greatest rounds of golf ever. we have that and more in this bleacher report. fred, do not let anyone tell you tiger doesn t have it anymore. people look at the majors, sure, he hasn t won one in five year, but if you just focus on that, you are ignoring how well he s plaing at the bridgestone. it looked like tiger would shoot