i cannot allow myself to be pessi pessimistic. this is way it s always going to be. you know the power and a place like washington, d.c., that s how it will keep going. if you say there s a pleating happening behind closed doors and everything will change, i d like specificity. i would like safety as well. i think the mid terms will be huge. i think people will be voting on this issue in the mid terms. i ve bp watching, i like to stay away from social media as much as i can but i ve been looking at socme of the things from con sef conservative members of congress and their constituents are saying we have to do something. that s why i m hopeful about it. if they re jobs are on the line come november, i think that will put some pressure on them. i hope so. i hope this time is different because i don t know how much more i can take or the nation s heart can take watching another closed casket of a shichild. i agree. see you tomorrow. joe biden said it. to be honest about
because there are no consequences. we can t wait. recall chesa boudin now. thanks for watching. i ll be back tomorrow night. don lemon starts now. i have to be hopeful about there finally may be some action on, i think you have to be careful about what you call it. people don t like to be controlled. maybe gun limits. like you have a speed limit. i think what is happening in the country and the rapid succession of all after these shootings and the young people dying, i think that there will be some movement. i m hopeful. i have to be hopeful. i ve been through this before. you ve been through it before. i thought something would happen after sandy hook but now fingers, crossed and lets play this time there s a difference. i agree. i cannot allow myself to be pessimistic. this is way it s always going to be. you know the power and a place like washington, d.c., that s how it will keep going. if you say there s a pleating happening behind closed doors and everything will
The Government has budgeted $1.3 billion to continue initiatives under the ‘Improvement of Emergency Communication System in Jamaica’ Project, during fiscal year 2024/25. This engagement aims to develop a national emergency communication system to.
KINGSTON, Jamaica - Work will continue during fiscal year 2024/25 to upgrade Jamaica’s emergency communication system. The Government has budgeted $1.3 billion to continue initiatives under the ‘Improvement of Emergency Communication System in Jamaica’ Project. This engagement aims to develop a national emergency communication system to coordinate incident response among key government agencies and volunteers. Details of the project are outlined in the 2024/25 Estimates of Expenditure, tabled recently in.