Telecom Alert - 911 Fee Diversion NPRM; Rip-and-Replace NPRM; Broadband Reporting R&O and FNPRM; C-Band Auction Assignments Set to Begin; Emergency Broadband Benefit Fund Roundtable - Vol. XVIII, Issue 5 Monday, February 1, 2021
911 Fee Diversion NPRM
Last week, the FCC released a draft Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on proposed rules that would define the types of expenditures of 911 fees and charges that are acceptable under section 902 of the Don’t Break Up the T-Band Act (Vol. XVIII, Issue 3). The proposed rules would consider a fee to be diverted if it is used for a purpose or function other than the purposes or functions designated by the FCC as acceptable. Under the NPRM, acceptable purposes and functions would be limited to (i) supporting and implementing 911 services provided by or in the state or taxing jurisdiction imposing the fee or charges; and (ii) operational expenses of PSAPs within such state or taxing jurisdiction.