temporary restraining orlder. all right, now, the idea that, hey, if you overturn this, well, then, they still have quorum if the democrats are in the state. do the state senators have to go back out of the state now? support has been dwindling for this bill all along. poll after poll, even by conservative groups show that 2/3 of the people of wisconsin do not support permanently taking away people s basic worker rights. and i think they ll have a difficult time if they go back to trying to pass this same law once again. you know, it feels put forward as a presumption for a budget repair bill. we can repair the budget without permanently taking away people s rights. so i m hoping during this pause, well, we had the emergency break on this law that maybe cooler heads will prevail. maybe for once, we can work on a bipartisan basis. and actually pass a budget repair bill that doesn t take away basic worker rights that
sheets quickly through direct purchases of equity through banks. where does a big chunk of that money ultimately go? financial institutions got $320 billion. the auto industry took home $81 billion. homeowner programs received 27 billion. and other financial programs raked in close to 26 billion. with just managing t.a.r.p. now requires a service of 22 law firms, 15 financial firms and operating budget of $1.5 billion just so far and monthly expenses of around $133 billion. that s a lot of money. did t.a.r.p. do the job it was supposed to do? that s what we want to ask. dylan ratigan is host of the dylan ratigan show here on msnbc and christian we willer. before we unleash dylan here, let me ask you a simple question. did t.a.r.p. work? it worked. you have to remember what it was designed to do. it was an emergency measure. it was the emergency break in
and it quote, stayed right where it was. using the patrol cars pa system helps him to bring the car to a stop. i was just holding on to the steering wheel with my left hand and down at an angle trying to pull it back, i thought it was stuck. my mat was perfect, and there was nothing wrong with my pat. and the pedal, it wouldn t do anything. it just stayed right where it was. he got up on the side and told me what to do and i was standing on the right pedal and looking at him, and he said push the emergency break, too. and i laid on both of them, and it finally started slowing down right there, and it went down to 55. it had been at 94, i know that. toyota issued a statement said it has sent a field