I fled the horrors of state collapse in Afghanistan and am gradually feeling embraced by Melbourne. However, there's still one thing that overshadows my life here, writes Shadi Khan Saif.
As a Customs and Border Protection officer, Navy veteran Raul Rodriguez had for decades been involved with the deportations of thousands of people. Then, one day in 2018, he was found to be in the country illegally. In November, Rodriguez went before a judge and received an apology.
Lyna Mohamad Sales assistant at Zunaira Collection Company, Estrella Demadin Olivar embraced Islam and is now officially known as Inayah Inarah binti Abdullah after reciting her Syahadah on Wednesday. The Filipina who followed her sister’s footsteps, also a Muslim convert, shared that her decision to embrace Islam is sincere as she sees the beauty in […]
Azlan Othman The declaration and confession of faith in Islam has transformed two Muslim converts spiritually and provided a source of enlightenment to their life. Airolvin Furqan bin Sisir from Kampong Bebuloh, who embraced Islam in 2018 said that Islam gives him guidance and provides a pathway that has lit up his life. He shared […]