An image shows the man squashed into a small rubbish bin at the side of the road.
He is completely contorted into the receptacle with his head poking out of the bin’s entrance at an alarming angle.
There appears to be no explanation as to why he is jammed into the bin in the first place.
Google Maps Street View has photographed a man taking part in what seems to be a practical joke (Image: Google Maps)
Google Maps Street View: There appears to be no explanation as to why he is jammed into the bin (Image: Google Maps )
Meanwhile, his right arm is thrown out to the railing to hold on.
Although the photo is merely a stationary snapshot in time, it appears he is about to lose his balance.
So what happened next?
Sometimes with Google Maps photos that go viral, one never knows the outcome of situations which can be very frustrating for the viewer.
Google Maps Street View: A second photo shows him on his back on the bottom step (Image: Google Maps)
However, fortunately (or rather unfortunately for the man) Street View users can easily find out what happened next in this scenario.