The democratic party. Fundraiser is being held at the w hotel south of market this evening. Tonight event fv cost between 500 and 32,000 dollars to attend. Tomorrow the president will attend fund wrister for only 25 people at home of cofounder mark pink us. Elite event. Tickets for the event 32,000 dollars a pop. Dozens of protestors greeted the president outside the holy hotel this evening. This group is made mostly of antiwar protestors. They say the president did not ask the people nor congress for permission to attack isis in sir why. He wont hear us. It tassie think it takes 5000 dollars to have him har you. The but people people are going to hear news the streets. Hopefully he will join us. Across the street war to testtors. These from the california occurred Community Center asking the president to help the innocent citizen killed or threatened in border towns near syria and iraq. The president visit is one of several factors contributing to major traffic problems in downtown Sa