much aware of that. i recall lots of monkey images. and the big afro. he didn t need that. i want to quickly before we go, we have heard sara s thoughts on what s happening in europe right now. donald trump is doing his make good. he just finished speaking. i want to give both of your thoughts. i listened to the statements that macron has made and typically those statements would have been made by the president of the united states. we have always said we are the greatest nation on earth, and we were. and we will continue to be, but while this man is in office, we are the laughing stock of the world. every day he degrades our democracy. it is an international embarrassment. before we got on the air, i was talking to jennifer. it is amazing how people have come to sound exactly like conservatives used to sound when we talk about the uniqueness and the unique role of america in the world. i was saying to you, jennifer,
you want to talk about the war of independence is saying they might need to protect themselves from us, that is actually shocking. yeah. i mean, he was talking it s been clarified about cyber. and of course the truth about cyber is that all countries are spying on each other almost all the time. allies or foes. i think the interesting thing with the macron-trump relationship, that fight, is it is less of a boxing match. macron gains by having a battle with trump because trump is so unpopular in france. trump believes he gains with his base. underneath it all, how real is it? look, the idea of a european army is something that the french have been enthusiastic about for a long time. trust me, other countries in europe are not as evnthusiastic about that. but one of the questions looking
we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what gives it grace and what is essential, its moral values. good morning and welcome to a.m. joy. today in paris, emanuel macron dl delivered an epic rebuke against the president of the united states. the war was followed by the rise of facism in europe. his comments came just weeks after donald trump called himself a nationalist. trump is among dozens of world leaders in paris. though, he was notably late to the main proceedings this morning. he did get a thumbs up from his favorite dictator and a friendly handshake from vladimir putin. that dinner came hours after
the history of world war i and world war ii that it is these economic coalitions that led to the eu. these things that led into nato that really kept us safe from russian aggression. there is u.s. troops right now in eastern europe and lit whuan similar to what we saw in the ukraine. he fails to understand the sacrifice at the tackty dal level and how the affects of our alliances kept these troops safe for a long time. that s a place where he failed as chief. until he gets out in the field, he s not going to understand it. it s gotten to be so toxic with our allies. even though they threw him a military parade. but that s fallen apart quickly. donald trump tweeted on friday very upset that president macron at france suggested europe might need to build its own military