Its packed with Amazing Stories from all over the african continent and we have the special guest joining us in the studio needs after a chat. From nigeria to find out with comic republic that got 5 out of africa will be talking about that comic on Creative Arts industry in africa. Because. Last but not least. For. Now just like you i grew up watching batman superman and all those other superheroes now that was cool but the only problem was they did not look like me so i couldnt really identify with them if you know what i mean but theres a new group of super he was in. On his team of young comic ive created the only universe of african superheroes watch out gotham city legacy is taking over. It got them city of west africa was around 14000000 people live here but there are no superheroes to be found they lived far away in america and be out white. Ones to change this by making comments in africa hes fulfilling a child who i think was about 5 years old my mom would buy me comic books a