Ajay Bagga advises investors to avoid companies with compliance issues and governance problems and focus instead on India s growth stories and take calculated risks on smallcaps. The market is going through a consolidation phase, with domestic institutions holding up the market. He thinks we will see better levels again and it is more a consolidation phase that we are going through.
As muted institutional buying may take a step back ahead of holiday season, correction is likely to deepen across the board in the next couple of days, said analysts
Ajay Bagga shared a picture of himself and his wife, Rajita Bagga, running out of the hotel after being stuck for 12 hours during the horrific attack. He also thanked Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for his blessings in the post and mentioned that they came face-to-face with death five times that fateful night.
“This market will top out by February as soon as the last Budget is done with and elections are announced. Then two-three months of volatility as the new government gets formed and during that time, investors will be skittish and new money will wait out those two-three months. Then comes June and we should resume.”