General election. This is under one hour. Now your moderator latoya edwards. Latoya welcome to this democratic senator primary debate. Andre the home of nbc 10, we would like to thank our guests. We will start with the incumbent, senator ed markey. He served massachusetts in the senate since 2013. Before that he served the seventh district in the house of representatives since 1976. We also welcome congressman joe kennedy. He served in 2013, and then as an assistant District Attorney. We are following social distancing guidelines during the debate. Everyone including the candidates are spread out more than six feet apart, and our panelists are not in the studio with us. They are in different coat different places in the media center. Before we get started, here are the rules for the debate. Both candidates will get one , and 45 seconds for individual questions with a 32nd rebuttal in a rapidfire round. They will have one minute for closing statements. You can join and now, use debate.