Dungeons & Dragons cookbook lets you cook like a wizard, eat like an orc
Fancy some elven bread? Author Kyle Newman, author of Heroes Feast: The Official D&D Cookbook, talks about what inspired him to make fantasy food a reality. Listen - 04:02
Eat like a warrior with the new Heroes Feast: The Official D&D Cookbook. Ten Speed Press
The Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game isn t just about battling orcs and surviving a dragon s fiery wrath. The popular fantasy game also has plenty of moments where heroes need to relax and have a tasty meal.
D&D gamers can make many fantasy-based dishes in real life thanks to author Kyle Newman s new cookbook Heroes Feast: The Official D&D Cookbook (co-written by Michael Witwer and Jon Peterson). Newman knows a thing or two about the D&D world. He previously co-wrote D&D history book Dungeons & Dragons Art & Arcana.