Anchor Ravi, Jashwanth, Hey Siri, Shanmukh Jaswanth, Swetha Varma and Lahari Sri are confirmed contestants who will take part in Nagarjuna's Bigg Boss Telugu 5.Ibigg boss telugu 5 official contestants listIbigg boss telugu season 5 official contestants list with photosI bigg boss telugu 5 contestantsIbigg boss telugu 5 contestants photosIbigg boss telugu 5 host
Shanmukh Jaswanth, Anchor Ravi, RJ Kajal. Anchor Varshini and Lobo are said to be confirmed as contestants for Bigg Boss Telugu 5. The above-mentioned celebrities are going to be part of the show and are now said to be busy with AVs, and also gearing up to enter the show.Ibigg boss telugu 5 official contestant listItelugu bigg boss 5 official contestants listI bigg boss telugu