Standard Chartered PLC (LON:STAN – Get Rating) insider Bill Winters sold 17,331 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction on Thursday, May 4th. The shares were sold at an average price of GBX 597 ($7.46), for a total value of £103,466.07 ($129,267.95). Bill Winters also recently made the following trade(s): On Thursday, March 9th, […]
Standard Chartered (LON:STAN – Get Rating) had its price target cut by Jefferies Financial Group from GBX 1,000 ($12.49) to GBX 980 ($12.24) in a research note released on Thursday morning, MarketBeat Ratings reports. They currently have a buy rating on the financial services provider’s stock. Several other equities analysts also recently issued reports on […]
Shore Capital reissued their buy rating on shares of Standard Chartered (LON:STAN – Get Rating) in a report released on Wednesday, MarketBeat reports. Other analysts also recently issued reports about the company. Berenberg Bank restated a buy rating and issued a GBX 1,000 ($12.49) price objective on shares of Standard Chartered in a report on […]
Berenberg Bank reissued their buy rating on shares of Standard Chartered (LON:STAN – Get Rating) in a report published on Monday morning, Marketbeat Ratings reports. Berenberg Bank currently has a GBX 1,000 ($12.49) target price on the financial services provider’s stock. Several other research analysts have also commented on STAN. Citigroup reissued a neutral rating […]
Berenberg Bank reiterated their buy rating on shares of Standard Chartered (LON:STAN – Get Rating) in a research note published on Monday morning, MarketBeat Ratings reports. The firm currently has a GBX 1,000 ($12.49) target price on the financial services provider’s stock. Other equities analysts have also issued research reports about the company. The Goldman […]