Twins she told the daily beast the damage is done its reversible ive lost 4 babies that no amount of money can compensate me for. Accountability decency compassion these are the things money cannot buy us politics but they are exactly what you can do for your country only if we start watching the hawks. Whats going on in a city. Like see this is this. State see a. Great city desolate systemic deceptions so much. So youll. Welcome everyone watching the hawks fire over the time of the. So many its pretty incredible i want to start i want to start and throw this quote to choose from Michigan State attorney general dana nestle whose democrat ran as a democrat she told the media after completing this settlement she told the media quote healing flint will take a long time but our ongoing efforts and todays settlement announcement are important steps in helping all of us move forward. 600000000 dollars a lot of money im glad to see the settlement but kim can the city of flint truly move forwa