ones. you talk about the alternative of going to war. do we want a second war in north korea. it s disastrous when you think about that. in retrospect we didn t do enough to push them off. we do have to push them when i say them the chinese more than anybody else. chinese have the most vested interest. they probably have the most influence. they don t want to see all of these people flee out of north korea in to china. pete: they also don t want to seat americans at their border. they don t want to see unified peninsula. that would likely mean south and north align not on the termination of north korea. you are either going to get a shooting war or trade war. you need a trade war with china to incentivize them to put the screws to jim congress u.n. to denuclearize. have you to be willing to elm preemptively strike. if you don t do one or the other you will have a nuclear north korea. did we have a nuclear north korea with the ability to deliver it as well as iran who can do the same