Rrupting. I would offer another threesome to characterizeyour remarks. Cont, comprehensive and compelling. This is i think the best 25 minute characterization of where we are at and where we must go. Next the Washington Post talking with congressman ilhan omar about the 20 20 election and progressive legislative goals for the congress. Live here on cspan2. The real America First agenda is one that puts people first. Did morning, im an opinion writer for the washinon post and welcome to Washington Post lies. It is also a live recording of my host opini podcast take up. My guess today was just reelected to her second term in the us house representatives. She is on was woman ilhan omar ominnesotas fifth congressional district. Thanks for coming on the podcast. Ts so great to be here with y jonathan. Sold last we talked itas yesterday, i asked you for ur reaction to being able to say the words pridentelect biden and your response to me was really interesting. You said and correct m i also